NeetoInvoice Zapier integration

Zapier lets you connect NeetoInvoice to thousands of other applications. Automated connections called Zaps can be set up in minutes with no coding to automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between applications.

Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.

Getting Started with Zapier

Sign up for a free Zapier account, and from there, you can jump right in.

You need to create a Zap to connect NeetoInvoice with any other app on Zapier. Here is a demo video on how to make a Zap using NeetoInvoice.

Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with neetoInvoice and Zapier.

If you have any additional questions about Zapier, you can open a ticket with Zapier Support at


The NeetoInvoice Zapier app requires an API Key for authenticating any request it makes to NeetoInvoice. Follow these steps to generate an API Key:

  1. Go to the Settings page in NeetoInvoice.

  2. In the Integrations section click on Zapier.

  3. Enter a label for the new Zapier API Key and click on Generate API Key.

  4. Copy the API Key that is shown in a green box. This API Key will not be made visible again. So make sure to save this somewhere secure in case the API key is needed again.

API Documentation


Zapier will use this endpoint to see if the API Key provided to it can be used to authenticate its requests successfully.

GET /api/v1/neeto_integrations/zapier/authentication


Authorization: Basic <API Key>


    "notice": "Successfully authenticated API Key"

Zapier Events

A Webhook or REST hook enables NeetoInvoice to send data on new clients and new invoices to Zapier, in real-time. It can also be used on other platforms.


To start receiving data on new clients or new invoices, a request to subscribe should be sent to the following endpoint:

POST /neeto_integrations/zapier/subscriptions


Authorization: Basic <API Key>

Body for a new client:

    "zapier_subscription": { 
        "options" : {
          "url": /* URL to which new clients are to be sent */,
          "event": "new_client"
        "subscription_for": "Zapier"

Body for new invoice:

    "zapier_subscription": { 
        "options" : {
          "url": /* URL to which new invoices are to be sent */,
          "event": "new_invoice"
        "subscription_for": "Zapier"

Sample Output:

    "notice": "Successfully subscribed to neetoInvoice",
    "id": "25934bd9-8742-4eb1-841e-6a78de0c4542"

Once subscribed, NeetoInvoice will send data on any new client or new invoice that is created through a POST request. The POST request will be sent to the value of zapier_subscription.options.url, provided in the request body of the Subscribe request.

Sample data for new client:

  "id": "317ab312-fd50-4cd4-94a6-abe837c5d914",
  "name": "Gleason, Quitzon and Bode5e38e28f-683f-41fd-8931-1e86d8827d19",
  "secondary_name": null,
  "created_at": "2023-07-10T13:57:00.200Z",
  "default_invoice_due_in_days": 15,
  "currency": "USD",
  "internal_notes": null

Sample data for new invoice:

  "id": "84337a7d-47cc-4799-8734-6ae43d32a4e6",
  "created_at": "2023-07-10T13:55:18.550Z",
  "number": "3868546285",
  "status": "generated",
  "total": "9762.27",
  "notes": null,
  "client": {
    "id": "74b5707b-700d-4f93-b22c-6b09340a9774",
    "name": "Wilderman and Sonsf60480a8-bf35-4066-a807-380e9cfd76fb",
    "secondary_name": null,
    "currency": "USD"


To stop receiving data on new clients or new invoices, a request to unsubscribe should be sent to the following endpoint:

DELETE /neeto_integrations/zapier/subscriptions/<API Key>


Authorization: Basic <API Key>

Sample Output:

    "notice": "Successfully unsubscribed to neetoInvoice"

Client List

Get a list of recent clients from NeetoInvoice. This enables Zapier to get sample data from NeetoInvoice, during the creation of a Zap.

GET /api/v1/neeto_integrations/zapier/clients?page_size=3&page_index=1

Query Parameters:

  • page_size - This is the number of clients to be returned per page. The default value is 5.

  • page_index - This is the page number to be returned. The default value is 1.


Authorization: Basic <API Key>

Sample Output:

  "id": "317ab312-fd50-4cd4-94a6-abe837c5d914",
  "name": "Gleason, Quitzon and Bode5e38e28f-683f-41fd-8931-1e86d8827d19",
  "secondary_name": null,
  "created_at": "2023-07-10T13:57:00.200Z",
  "default_invoice_due_in_days": 15,
  "currency": "USD",
  "internal_notes": null

Invoice List

Get a list of recent invoices from NeetoInvoice. This enables Zapier to get sample data from NeetoInvoice, during the creation of a Zap.

GET /api/v1/neeto_integrations/zapier/invoices?page_size=3&page_index=1

Query Parameters:

  • page_size - This is the number of invoices to be returned per page. The default value is 5.

  • page_index - This is the page number to be returned. The default value is 1.


Authorization: Basic <API Key>

Sample Output:

  "id": "84337a7d-47cc-4799-8734-6ae43d32a4e6",
  "created_at": "2023-07-10T13:55:18.550Z",
  "number": "3868546285",
  "status": "generated",
  "total": "9762.27",
  "notes": null,
  "client": {
    "id": "74b5707b-700d-4f93-b22c-6b09340a9774",
    "name": "Wilderman and Sonsf60480a8-bf35-4066-a807-380e9cfd76fb",
    "secondary_name": null,
    "currency": "USD"